
Bridges To Seniors Project

About The Project

Over the next couple decades, as the “big bulge” of the baby boomers turn 65, senior citizens will be one of the most rapidly growing groups in America. In our region, which is largely rural, these seniors will be scattered all across the countryside each one gradually in need of increasing attention. How are we to attend to them?

The Bridges to Seniors Project was conceived for the purpose of preparing more fully for addressing the needs of seniors as they increasingly age at home throughout the tru-state area. In conjunction with the resources provided through The Ethos Institute and strategic partnership with other organizations, we seek to provide education, training, leadership, camaraderie, healthy support networks, and technology resources to enhance caring ministries to and with seniors. 

We are presently planning our initial conference in May 2021 to begin to propose and explore these and other important questions. Please stay tuned as details unfold.